To promote young members of ISSMGE to play a major role in various international and regional conferences, the President of ISSMGE – Professor Charles Ng created the Bright Spark award for promising young geotechnical engineers/academics to deliver keynote and invited lectures at these conferences.


The Young Member Presidential Group (YMPG) and ISSMGE would like to invite African member national societies to nominate your most promising young geotechnical engineers as candidates to speak at a special lecture session at the next XVII African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering in Cape Town, South Africa ( A maximum of Two young engineers will be chosen, from the continent. They will have the opportunity to present their work as the recipient of the ISSMGE Bright Spark Lecture award.

The awardees will be invited to give a 20 – 30 minute presentation at the conference and write a plenary paper. The Bright Spark award will go to the young geotechnical engineer that exemplifies mature research or practice and epitomizes what the ISSMGE is looking for in engineers of tomorrow.

Basic requirements are as follows:

  • Age 36 or under at the last day of the XVII African Regional Conference
  • Deadline of 30 November 2018 for nominations
  • Limit of 3 nominees per member national society
  • Both English and French papers and lectures will be welcome

Please submit nominations using the nomination form (Bright_Spark_Lecture_application_form.docx ) to  Send us your most promising engineers!

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